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// ==UserScript== // @name [GMT] Collage Extensions // @version 1.25.2 // @description Direct browsing from torrent pages; quick groups removal, custom quick Add To Collage form // @author Anakunda // @license GPL-3.0-or-later // @copyright © 2020-2024, Anakunda ( // @namespace // @run-at document-end // @match https://*/torrents.php?id=* // @match https://*/collages.php?id=* // @match https://*/collages.php?page=*&id=* // @match https://*/collages.php?action=manage&collageid=* // @match https://*/collage.php?id=* // @match https://*/collage.php?page=*&id=* // @match https://*/collage.php?action=manage&collageid=* // @match https://*/artist.php?*id=* // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @grant GM_openInTab // @grant GM_setClipboard // @require // @require // @require // ==/UserScript== 'use strict'; let userAuth = document.body.querySelector('input[name="auth"][value]'); if (userAuth != null) userAuth = userAuth.value; else if ((userAuth = document.body.querySelector('li#nav_logout > a')) == null || !(userAuth = new URLSearchParams('auth'))) throw 'Auth not found'; let userId = document.body.querySelector('li#nav_userinfo > a.username'); if (userId != null) { userId = new URLSearchParams(; userId = parseInt(userId.get('id')); } function addToTorrentCollage(collageId, groupId) { if (!(collageId > 0)) throw 'collage id invalid'; if (!(groupId > 0)) throw 'torrent group id invalid'; return (ajaxApiKey ? queryAjaxAPI('addtocollage', { collageid: collageId }, { groupids: groupId }) .then(response => response.groupsadded.includes(groupId) ? true : Promise.reject('Rejected')) : Promise.reject('API key not set')).catch(reason => queryAjaxAPI('collage', { id: collageId, showonlygroups: 1 }).then(collage => ! => parseInt( ? : Promise.reject('already in collage')).then(collageId => new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest, formData = new URLSearchParams({ action: 'add_torrent', collageid: collageId, groupid: groupId, url: document.location.origin.concat('/torrents.php?id=', groupId), auth: userAuth, });'POST', '/collages.php', true); xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhr.readyState < XMLHttpRequest.DONE) return; if (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 400) resolve(xhr.readyState); else reject(defaultErrorHandler(xhr)); }; xhr.onerror = function() { reject(defaultErrorHandler(xhr)) }; xhr.ontimeout = function() { reject(defaultTimeoutHandler(xhr)) }; xhr.send(formData); })).then(readyState => queryAjaxAPI('collage', { id: collageId, showonlygroups: 1 }).then(collage => => parseInt( || Promise.reject('Error: not added for unknown reason')))); } function removeFromTorrentCollage(collageId, groupId, question) { if (!confirm(question)) return Promise.reject('Cancelled'); return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest, formData = new URLSearchParams({ action: 'manage_handle', collageid: collageId, groupid: groupId, auth: userAuth, submit: 'Remove', });'POST', '/collages.php', true); xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhr.readyState < XMLHttpRequest.HEADERS_RECEIVED) return; if (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 400) resolve(xhr.status); else reject(defaultErrorHandler(xhr)); xhr.abort(); }; xhr.onerror = function() { reject(defaultErrorHandler(xhr)) }; xhr.ontimeout = function() { reject(defaultTimeoutHandler(xhr)) }; xhr.send(formData); }); } function addToArtistCollage(collageId, artistId) { if (!(collageId > 0)) throw 'collage id invalid'; if (!(artistId > 0)) throw 'artist id invalid'; return queryAjaxAPI('collage', { id: collageId, showonlygroups: 1 }).then(collage => ! => parseInt( ? : Promise.reject('already in collage')).then(collageId => new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest, formData = new URLSearchParams({ action: 'add_artist', collageid: collageId, artistid: artistId, url: document.location.origin.concat('/artist.php?id=', artistId), auth: userAuth, });'POST', '/collages.php', true); xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhr.readyState < XMLHttpRequest.DONE) return; if (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 400) resolve(xhr.readyState); else reject(defaultErrorHandler(xhr)); }; xhr.onerror = function() { reject(defaultErrorHandler(xhr)) }; xhr.ontimeout = function() { reject(defaultTimeoutHandler(xhr)) }; xhr.send(formData); })).then(readyState => queryAjaxAPI('collage', { id: collageId, showonlygroups: 1 }).then(collage => => parseInt( || Promise.reject('Error: not added for unknown reason'))); } function removeFromArtistCollage(collageId, artistId, question) { if (!confirm(question)) return Promise.reject('Cancelled'); return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest, formData = new URLSearchParams({ action: 'manage_artists_handle', collageid: collageId, artistid: artistId, auth: userAuth, submit: 'Remove', });'POST', '/collages.php', true); xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhr.readyState < XMLHttpRequest.HEADERS_RECEIVED) return; if (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 400) resolve(xhr.status); else reject(defaultErrorHandler(xhr)); xhr.abort(); }; xhr.onerror = function() { reject(defaultErrorHandler(xhr)) }; xhr.ontimeout = function() { reject(defaultTimeoutHandler(xhr)) }; xhr.send(formData); }); } function addQuickAddForm() { if (!userId || !groupId && !artistId) return; // User id missing let ref = document.querySelector('div.sidebar'); if (ref == null) return; // Sidebar missing const addSuccess = 'Successfully added to collage.'; const alreadyInCollage = 'Error: This ' + (groupId ? 'torrent group' : artistId ? 'artist' : null) + ' is already in this collage'; new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { try { var categories = JSON.parse(GM_getValue(document.location.hostname + '-categories')); if (categories.length > 0) resolve(categories); else throw 'empty list cached'; } catch(e) { let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;'GET', '/collages.php', true); xhr.responseType = 'document'; xhr.onload = function() { if (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 400) { categories = [ ]; xhr.response.querySelectorAll('tr#categories > td > label').forEach(function(label, index) { let input = xhr.response.querySelector('tr#categories > td > input#' + label.htmlFor); categories[input != null && /\[(\d+)\]/.test( ? parseInt(RegExp.$1) : index] = label.textContent.trim(); }); if (categories.length > 0) { GM_setValue(document.location.hostname + '-categories', JSON.stringify(categories)); resolve(categories); } else reject('Site categories could not be extracted'); } else reject(defaultErrorHandler(xhr)); }; xhr.onerror = function() { reject(defaultErrorHandler(xhr)) }; xhr.ontimeout = function() { reject(defaultTimeoutHandler()) }; xhr.send(); } }).then(function(categories) { const artistsIndexes = categories .map((category, index) => /^(?:Artists)$/i.test(category) ? index : -1) .filter(index => index >= 0); if (artistId && artistsIndexes.length <= 0) throw 'Artists index not found'; const isCompatibleCategory = categoryId => categoryId >= 0 && categoryId < categories.length && (groupId && !artistsIndexes.includes(categoryId) || artistId && artistsIndexes.includes(categoryId)); document.head.appendChild(document.createElement('style')).innerHTML = ` form#addtocollage optgroup { background-color: slategray; color: white; } form#addtocollage option { background-color: white; color: black; max-width: 290pt; } div.box_addtocollage > form { padding: 0px 10px; } `; let elem = document.createElement('div'); elem.className = 'box box_addtocollage'; = 'padding: 0 0 10px;'; elem.innerHTML = ` <div class="head" style="margin-bottom: 5px;"><strong>Add to Collage</strong></div> <div id="ajax_message" class="hidden center" style="padding: 7px 0px;"></div> <form id="searchcollages"> <input id="searchforcollage" placeholder="Collage search" type="text" style="max-width: 10em;"> <input id="searchforcollagebutton" value="Search" type="submit" style="max-width: 4em;"> </form> <form id="addtocollage" class="add_form" name="addtocollage"> <select name="collageid" id="matchedcollages" class="add_to_collage_select" style="width: 96%;"> <input id="opencollage-btn" value="Open collage" type="button"> <input id="addtocollage-btn" value="Add to collage" type="button"> </form> `; ref.append(elem); let ajaxMessage = document.getElementById('ajax_message'); let srchForm = document.getElementById('searchcollages'); if (srchForm == null) throw new Error('#searchcollages missing'); let searchText = document.getElementById('searchforcollage'); if (searchText == null) throw new Error('#searchforcollage missing'); let dropDown = document.getElementById('matchedcollages'); if (dropDown == null) throw new Error('#matchedcollages missing'); let doOpen = document.getElementById('opencollage-btn'); let doAdd = document.getElementById('addtocollage-btn'); if (doAdd == null) throw new Error('#addtocollage-btn missing'); let searchforcollagebutton = document.getElementById('searchforcollagebutton'); if (searchforcollagebutton != null) searchforcollagebutton.disabled = searchText.value.length <= 0; srchForm.onsubmit = searchSubmit; searchText.ondrop = evt => dataHandler(evt.currentTarget, evt.dataTransfer); searchText.onpaste = evt => dataHandler(evt.currentTarget, evt.clipboardData); searchText.oninput = function(evt) { if (searchforcollagebutton != null) searchforcollagebutton.disabled = evt.currentTarget.value.length <= 0; }; if (doOpen != null) doOpen.onclick = openCollage; doAdd.onclick = addToCollage; let initTimeCap = GM_getValue('max_preload_time', 0); // max time in ms to preload the dropdown if (initTimeCap > 0) findCollages({ userid: userId, contrib: 1 }, initTimeCap); function clearList() { while (dropDown.childElementCount > 0) dropDown.removeChild(dropDown.firstElementChild); } function findCollages(query, maxSearchTime) { return typeof query == 'object' ? new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { let start =; searchFormEnable(false); clearList(); elem = document.createElement('option'); elem.text = 'Searching...'; dropDown.add(elem); dropDown.selectedIndex = 0; let retryCount = 0, options = [ ]; searchInternal(); function searchInternal(page) { if (maxSearchTime > 0 && - start > maxSearchTime) { reject('Time limit exceeded'); return; } let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest, _query = new URLSearchParams(query); if (!page) page = 1; _query.set('page', page);'GET', '/collages.php?' + _query, true); xhr.responseType = 'document'; xhr.onload = function() { if (xhr.status < 200 || xhr.status >= 400) throw defaultErrorHandler(xhr); xhr.response.querySelectorAll('table.collage_table > tbody > tr[class^="row"]').forEach(function(tr, rowNdx) { if ((ref = tr.querySelector(':scope > td:nth-of-type(1) > a')) == null) { console.warn('Page parsing error'); return; } elem = document.createElement('option'); if ((elem.category = categories.findIndex(category => category.toLowerCase() == ref.textContent.toLowerCase())) < 0 && /\b(?:cats)\[(\d+)\]/i.test( elem.category = parseInt(RegExp.$1); // unsafe due to site bug if ((ref = tr.querySelector(':scope > td:nth-of-type(2) > a')) == null || !/\b(?:id)=(\d+)\b/i.test( { console.warn(`Unknown collage id (${xhr.responseURL}/${rowNdx})`); return; } elem.value = elem.collageId = parseInt(RegExp.$1); elem.text = elem.title = ref.textContent.trim(); if ((ref = tr.querySelector(':scope > td:nth-of-type(3)')) != null) elem.size = parseInt(ref.textContent); if ((ref = tr.querySelector(':scope > td:nth-of-type(4)')) != null) elem.subscribers = parseInt(ref.textContent); if ((ref = tr.querySelector(':scope > td:nth-of-type(6) > a')) != null && /\b(?:id)=(\d+)\b/i.test( = parseInt(RegExp.$1); if (isCompatibleCategory(elem.category) && (elem.category != 0 || == userId)) options.push(elem); }); if (xhr.response.querySelector('div.linkbox > a.pager_next') != null) searchInternal(page + 1); else { if (!Object.keys(query).includes('order')) options.sort((a, b) => (b.size || 0) - (a.size || 0)/*a.title.localeCompare(b.title)*/); resolve(options); } }; xhr.onerror = function() { if (xhr.status == 0 && retryCount++ <= 10) setTimeout(function() { searchInternal(page) }, 200); else reject(defaultErrorHandler(xhr)); }; xhr.ontimeout = function() { reject(defaultTimeoutHandler()) }; xhr.send(); } }).then(function(options) { clearList(); categories.forEach(function(category, ndx) { let _category = options.filter(option => option.category == ndx); if (_category.length <= 0) return; elem = document.createElement('optgroup'); elem.label = category; elem.append(..._category); dropDown.add(elem); }); dropDown.selectedIndex = 0; searchFormEnable(true); return options; }).catch(function(reason) { clearList(); searchFormEnable(true); console.warn(reason); }) : Promise.reject('Invalid parameter'); } function searchFormEnable(enabled) { for (let i = 0; i < srchForm.length; ++i) srchForm[i].disabled = !enabled; } function searchSubmit(evt) { let searchTerm = searchText.value.trim(); if (searchTerm.length <= 0) return false; let query = { action: 'search', search: searchTerm, type: '', order: 'Updated', sort: 'desc', order_way: 'Descending', };, index) => 'cats[' + index + ']') .filter((category, index) => isCompatibleCategory(index)) .forEach(index => { query[index] = 1 }); findCollages(query); return false; } function addToCollage(evt) { (function() { evt.currentTarget.disabled = true; if (ajaxMessage != null) ajaxMessage.classList.add('hidden'); let collageId = parseInt(dropDown.value); if (!collageId) return Promise.reject('No collage selected'); /* if (Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('table.collage_table > tbody > tr:not([class="colhead"]) > td > a')) .map(node => /\b(?:id)=(\d+)\b/i.test( && parseInt(RegExp.$1)).includes(collageId)) return Promise.reject(alreadyInCollage); */ if (groupId > 0) return addToTorrentCollage(collageId, groupId); if (artistId > 0) return addToArtistCollage(collageId, artistId); return Promise.reject('munknown page class'); })().then(function(collage) { if (ajaxMessage != null) { ajaxMessage.innerHTML = '<span style="color: #0A0;">' + addSuccess + '</span>'; ajaxMessage.classList.remove('hidden'); } evt.currentTarget.disabled = false; let mainColumn = document.querySelector('div.main_column'); if (mainColumn == null) return collage; let tableName = collage.collageCategoryID != 0 ? 'collages' : 'personal_collages' let tbody = mainColumn.querySelector('table#' + tableName + ' > tbody'); if (tbody == null) { tbody = document.createElement('tbody'); tbody.innerHTML = '<tr class="colhead"><td width="85%"><a href="#">↑</a> </td><td># torrents</td></tr>'; elem = document.createElement('table'); = tableName; elem.className = 'collage_table'; elem.append(tbody); mainColumn.insertBefore(elem, [ 'table#personal_collages', 'table#vote_matches', 'div.torrent_description', 'div#similar_artist_map', 'div#artist_information', ].reduce((acc, selector) => acc || document.querySelector(selector), null)); } tableName = '\xA0This ' + (artistsIndexes.includes(collage.collageCategoryID) ? 'artist' : 'album') + ' is in ' + tbody.childElementCount + ' ' + (collage.collageCategoryID != 0 ? 'collage' : 'personal collage'); if (tbody.childElementCount > 1) tableName += 's'; tbody.firstElementChild.firstElementChild.childNodes[1].data = tableName; elem = document.createElement('tr'); elem.className = 'collage_rows'; if (tbody.querySelector('tr.collage_rows.hidden') != null) elem.classList.add('hidden'); elem.innerHTML = '<td><a href="/collages.php?id=' + + '">' + + '</a></td><td class="number_column">' + collage[artistsIndexes.includes(collage.collageCategoryID) ? 'artists' : 'torrentgroups'].length + '</td>'; tbody.append(elem); return collage; }).catch(function(reason) { evt.currentTarget.disabled = false; if (ajaxMessage == null) return; ajaxMessage.innerHTML = '<span style="color: #A00;">' + reason.toString() + '</span>'; ajaxMessage.classList.remove('hidden'); }); } function openCollage(evt) { const collageId = parseInt(dropDown.value); if (collageId <= 0) return false; let win ='/collages.php?id=' + collageId, '_blank'); win.focus(); } function dataHandler(target, data) { const text = data.getData('text/plain'); if (!text) return false; if (searchforcollagebutton != null) searchforcollagebutton.disabled = false; target.value = text; srchForm.onsubmit(); return false; } }); } const contextId = 'context-9b7e0e42-1e35-4518-ac5f-b6bb31cce23f'; let menu = document.createElement('menu'); menu.type = 'context'; = contextId; function contextUpdater(evt) { menu = evt.currentTarget } menu.innerHTML = '<menuitem label="Remove from this collage" icon="" /><menuitem label="-" />'; function subscribeCallback(evt) { let link = menu || evt.relatedTarget || document.activeElement; if (!(link instanceof HTMLAnchorElement)) return true; let collageId = parseInt(new URLSearchParams('id')); if (!collageId) { console.warn('Assertion failed: no collage id', link); throw 'no id'; } let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;'GET', '/userhistory.php?' + new URLSearchParams({ action: 'collage_subscribe', collageid: collageId, auth: userAuth, }), true); xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhr.readyState < XMLHttpRequest.HEADERS_RECEIVED) return; if (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 400) {'Subscribed to collage id', collageId) } else console.error(defaultErrorHandler(xhr)); xhr.abort(); }; xhr.send(); } const maxOpenTabs = GM_getValue('max_open_tabs', 25), autoCloseTimeout = GM_getValue('tab_auto_close_timeout', 0); let openedTabs = [ ], lastOnQueue; function openTabLimited(endpoint, params, hash) { if (typeof GM_openInTab != 'function') return Promise.reject('Not supported'); if (!endpoint) return Promise.reject('Invalid argument'); const waitFreeSlot = () => (maxOpenTabs > 0 && openedTabs.length >= maxOpenTabs ? Promise.race( => new Promise(function(resolve) { console.assert(!tabHandler.closed); if (!tabHandler.closed) tabHandler.resolver = resolve; else resolve(tabHandler); }))) : Promise.resolve(null)).then(function(tabHandler) { console.assert(openedTabs.length <= maxOpenTabs); const url = new URL(endpoint + '.php', document.location.origin); if (params) for (let param in params) url.searchParams.set(param, params[param]); if (hash) url.hash = hash; (tabHandler = GM_openInTab(url.href, true)).onclose = function() { console.assert(this.closed); if (this.autoCloseTimer >= 0) clearTimeout(this.autoCloseTimer); const index = openedTabs.indexOf(this); console.assert(index >= 0); if (index >= 0) openedTabs.splice(index, 1); else openedTabs = openedTabs.filter(opernGroup => !opernGroup.closed); if (typeof this.resolver == 'function') this.resolver(this); }.bind(tabHandler); if (autoCloseTimeout > 0) tabHandler.autoCloseTimer = setTimeout(tabHandler => { if (!tabHandler.closed) tabHandler.close() }, autoCloseTimeout * 1000, tabHandler); openedTabs.push(tabHandler); return tabHandler; }); return lastOnQueue = lastOnQueue instanceof Promise ? lastOnQueue.then(waitFreeSlot) : waitFreeSlot(); } const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(; let groupId, artistId, collageId; switch (document.location.pathname) { case '/torrents.php': { function cacheCollage(collage) { collages[document.domain][] = { id:, name:, torrentgroups: => ({ id:, musicInfo: torrentgroup.musicInfo ? { artists: Array.isArray(torrentgroup.musicInfo.artists) ? => ({ name: })) : undefined, } : undefined, name:, year: parseInt(torrentgroup.year) || undefined, })), }; window.sessionStorage.setItem('collages', JSON.stringify(collages)); } if (!(groupId = parseInt(urlParams.get('id'))) > 0) break; // Unexpected URL format const searchforcollage = document.getElementById('searchforcollage'), submitButton = document.getElementById('searchforcollagebutton'), addToCollageSelect = document.body.querySelector('select.add_to_collage_select'); var collages; if (searchforcollage != null) { if (submitButton != null) submitButton.disabled = searchforcollage.value.length <= 0; if (typeof SearchCollage == 'function') SearchCollage = () => { const searchTerm = $('#searchforcollage').val(), personalCollages = $('#personalcollages'); ajax.get(`ajax.php?action=collages&search=${encodeURIComponent(searchTerm)}`, responseText => { const { response, status } = JSON.parse(responseText); if (status !== 'success') return; const categories = response.reduce((accumulator, item) => { const { collageCategoryName } = item; accumulator[collageCategoryName] = (accumulator[collageCategoryName] || []).concat(item); return accumulator; }, {}); personalCollages.children().remove(); Object.entries(categories).forEach(([category, collages]) => { console.log(collages); personalCollages.append(` <optgroup label="${category}"> ${collages.reduce((accumulator, { id, name }) => `${accumulator}<option value="${id}">${name}</option>` ,'')} </optgroup> `); }); }); }; if (addToCollageSelect != null) addToCollageSelect.selectedIndex = -1; function inputHandler(evt, key) { const data = evt[key].getData('text/plain').trim(); if (!data) return true; evt.currentTarget.value = data; if (submitButton != null) submitButton.disabled = false; SearchCollage(); setTimeout(function() { if (addToCollageSelect != null && addToCollageSelect.options.length > 1) { // TODO: expand } }, 3000); return false; } searchforcollage.onpaste = evt => inputHandler(evt, 'clipboardData'); searchforcollage.ondrop = evt => inputHandler(evt, 'dataTransfer'); searchforcollage.oninput = function(evt) { if (submitButton != null) submitButton.disabled = evt.currentTarget.value.length <= 0; }; searchforcollage.onkeypress = function(evt) { if (evt.key == 'Enter' && evt.currentTarget.value.length > 0) SearchCollage(); }; } else addQuickAddForm(); if ('collages' in window.sessionStorage) try { collages = JSON.parse(window.sessionStorage.getItem('collages')) } catch(e) { console.warn(e) } if (!collages) collages = { }; if (!(document.domain in collages)) collages[document.domain] = { }; function callback(evt) { switch (evt.currentTarget.nodeName) { case 'A': if (evt.button != 0 || !evt.altKey) return true; var link = evt.currentTarget; break; case 'MENUITEM': link = menu || evt.relatedTarget || document.activeElement; break; } if (!(link instanceof HTMLAnchorElement)) return true; let collageId = parseInt(new URLSearchParams('id')); if (!collageId) { console.warn('Assertion failed: no collage id', link); throw 'no id'; } return removeFromTorrentCollage(collageId, groupId, 'Are you sure to remove this group from collage "' + link.textContent.trim() + '"?').then(function(status) { const tr = link.parentNode.parentNode, table = tr.parentNode.parentNode; tr.remove(); if (table.querySelectorAll('tbody > tr:not([class="colhead"])').length <= 0) table.remove(); }); } menu.children[0].onclick = callback; let subscribeCmd = document.createElement('menuitem'); subscribeCmd.label = 'Subscribe to this collage - toggle (!)'; subscribeCmd.title = 'Use with care - toggling command; on already subscribed collages performs unsubscribe'; subscribeCmd.onclick = subscribeCallback; menu.insertBefore(subscribeCmd, menu.children[1]); document.body.append(menu); document.querySelectorAll('table[id$="collages"] > tbody > tr > td > a').forEach(function(link) { if (!link.pathname.startsWith('/collages.php') || !/\b(?:id)=(\d+)\b/.test( return; let collageId = parseInt(RegExp.$1), toggle, navLinks = [ ], numberColumn = link.parentNode.parentNode.querySelector('td.number_column'); link.onclick = callback; link.oncontextmenu = contextUpdater; link.setAttribute('contextmenu', contextId); link.title = 'Use Alt + left click or context menu(FF) to remove from this collage'; if (numberColumn != null) { = 'pointer'; numberColumn.onclick = loadCollage; numberColumn.title = collages[document.domain][collageId] ? 'Refresh' : 'Load collage for direct browsing'; } if (collages[document.domain][collageId]) { expandSection(); addCollageLinks(collages[document.domain][collageId]); } function addCollageLinks(collage) { var index = collage.torrentgroups.findIndex(torrentgroup => parseInt( == groupId); if (index < 0) { console.warn('Assertion failed: torrent', groupId, 'not found in the collage', collage); return false; } = 'white'; = 'color:white; background-color: darkgoldenrod;'; var stats = document.createElement('span'); stats.textContent = (index + 1) + '/' + collage.torrentgroups.length; = 'font-size: 8pt; color: antiquewhite; font-weight: 100; margin-left: 10px;'; navLinks.push(stats); link.parentNode.append(stats); if (collage.torrentgroups[index - 1]) { var a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = '/torrents.php?id=' + collage.torrentgroups[index - 1].id; //a.classList.add('brackets'); a.textContent = '[\xA0<\xA0]'; a.title = getTitle(index - 1); = 'color: chartreuse; margin-right: 10px;'; navLinks.push(a); link.parentNode.prepend(a); a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = '/torrents.php?id=' + collage.torrentgroups[0].id; //a.classList.add('brackets'); a.textContent = '[\xA0<<\xA0]'; a.title = getTitle(0); = 'color: chartreuse; margin-right: 5px;'; navLinks.push(a); link.parentNode.prepend(a); } if (collage.torrentgroups[index + 1]) { a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = '/torrents.php?id=' + collage.torrentgroups[index + 1].id; //a.classList.add('brackets'); a.textContent = '[\xA0>\xA0]'; a.title = getTitle(index + 1); = 'color: chartreuse; margin-left: 10px;'; navLinks.push(a); link.parentNode.append(a); a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = '/torrents.php?id=' + collage.torrentgroups[collage.torrentgroups.length - 1].id; //a.classList.add('brackets'); a.textContent = '[\xA0>>\xA0]'; a.title = getTitle(collage.torrentgroups.length - 1); = 'color: chartreuse; margin-left: 5px;'; navLinks.push(a); link.parentNode.append(a); } return true; function getTitle(index) { if (typeof index != 'number' || index < 0 || index >= collage.torrentgroups.length) return undefined; let title = collage.torrentgroups[index].musicInfo && Array.isArray(collage.torrentgroups[index].musicInfo.artists) ? collage.torrentgroups[index] =>', ') + ' - ' : ''; if (collage.torrentgroups[index].name) title += collage.torrentgroups[index].name; if (collage.torrentgroups[index].year) title += ' (' + collage.torrentgroups[index].year + ')'; return title; } } function expandSection() { if (toggle === undefined) toggle = link.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.querySelector('td > a[href="#"][onclick]'); if (toggle === null || toggle.dataset.expanded) return false; toggle.dataset.expanded = true;; return true; } function loadCollage(evt) { evt.currentTarget.disabled = true; navLinks.forEach(a => { a.remove() }); navLinks = []; let span = document.createElement('span'); span.textContent = '[\xA0loading...\xA0]'; = 'color: red; background-color: white; margin-left: 10px;'; link.parentNode.append(span); queryAjaxAPI('collage', { id: collageId, showonlygroups: 1 }).then(function(collage) { span.remove(); cacheCollage(collage); addCollageLinks(collage); evt.currentTarget.disabled = false; }, function(reason) { span.remove(); evt.currentTarget.disabled = false; }); return false; } }); // GM_registerMenuCommand('Add to "Broken covers... collage', // () => { addToTorrentCollage(31445, groupId).catch(alert) }); break; } case '/artist.php': { function cacheCollage(collage) { collages[document.domain][] = { id:, name:, artists: => ({ id:, name:, })), }; window.sessionStorage.setItem('collages', JSON.stringify(collages)); } if (!((artistId = parseInt(urlParams.get('id'))) > 0)) break; // Unexpected URL format addQuickAddForm(); if ('collages' in window.sessionStorage) try { collages = JSON.parse(window.sessionStorage.getItem('collages')) } catch(e) { console.warn(e) } if (!collages) collages = { }; if (!(document.domain in collages)) collages[document.domain] = { }; function callback(evt) { switch (evt.currentTarget.nodeName) { case 'A': if (evt.button != 0 || !evt.altKey) return true; var link = evt.currentTarget; break; case 'MENUITEM': link = menu || evt.relatedTarget || document.activeElement; break; } if (!(link instanceof HTMLAnchorElement)) return true; let collageId = parseInt(new URLSearchParams('id')); if (!collageId) { console.warn('Assertion failed: no collage id', link); throw 'no id'; } return removeFromArtistCollage(collageId, artistId, 'Are you sure to remove this artist from collage "' + link.textContent.trim() + '"?').then(function(status) { const tr = link.parentNode.parentNode, table = tr.parentNode.parentNode; tr.remove(); if (table.querySelectorAll('tbody > tr:not([class="colhead"])').length <= 0) table.remove(); }); } menu.children[0].onclick = callback; let subscribeCmd = document.createElement('menuitem'); subscribeCmd.label = 'Subscribe to this collage - toggle (!)'; subscribeCmd.title = 'Use with care - toggling command; on already subscribed collages performs unsubscribe'; subscribeCmd.onclick = subscribeCallback; menu.insertBefore(subscribeCmd, menu.children[1]); document.body.append(menu); document.querySelectorAll('table[id$="collages"] > tbody > tr > td > a').forEach(function(link) { if (!link.pathname.startsWith('/collages.php') || !/\b(?:id)=(\d+)\b/.test( return; let collageId = parseInt(RegExp.$1), toggle, navLinks = [], numberColumn = link.parentNode.parentNode.querySelector('td:last-of-type'); link.onclick = callback; link.oncontextmenu = contextUpdater; link.setAttribute('contextmenu', contextId); link.title = 'Use Alt + left click or context menu(FF) to remove from this collage'; if (numberColumn != null) { = 'pointer'; numberColumn.onclick = loadCollage; numberColumn.title = collages[document.domain][collageId] ? 'Refresh' : 'Load collage for direct browsing'; } if (collages[document.domain][collageId]) { expandSection(); addCollageLinks(collages[document.domain][collageId]); } function addCollageLinks(collage) { var index = collage.artists.findIndex(artist => == artistId); if (index < 0) { console.warn('Assertion failed: torrent', groupId, 'not found in the collage', collage); return false; } = 'white'; = 'color:white; background-color: darkgoldenrod;'; var stats = document.createElement('span'); stats.textContent = `${index + 1} / ${collage.artists.length}`; = 'font-size: 8pt; color: antiquewhite; font-weight: 100; margin-left: 10px;'; navLinks.push(stats); link.parentNode.append(stats); if (collage.artists[index - 1]) { var a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = '/artist.php?id=' + collage.artists[index - 1].id; a.textContent = '[\xA0<\xA0]'; a.title = getTitle(index - 1); = 'color: chartreuse; margin-right: 10px;'; navLinks.push(a); link.parentNode.prepend(a); a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = '/artist.php?id=' + collage.artists[0].id; a.textContent = '[\xA0<<\xA0]'; a.title = getTitle(0); = 'color: chartreuse; margin-right: 5px;'; navLinks.push(a); link.parentNode.prepend(a); } if (collage.artists[index + 1]) { a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = '/artist.php?id=' + collage.artists[index + 1].id; a.textContent = '[\xA0>\xA0]'; a.title = getTitle(index + 1); = 'color: chartreuse; margin-left: 10px;'; navLinks.push(a); link.parentNode.append(a); a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = '/artist.php?id=' + collage.artists[collage.artists.length - 1].id; a.textContent = '[\xA0>>\xA0]'; a.title = getTitle(collage.artists.length - 1); = 'color: chartreuse; margin-left: 5px;'; navLinks.push(a); link.parentNode.append(a); } return true; function getTitle(index) { console.assert(index >= 0 && index < collage.artists.length, "index >= 0 && index < collage.artists.length"); if (!(index >= 0 && index < collage.artists.length)) return undefined; return collage.artists[index] ? collage.artists[index].name : ''; } } function expandSection() { if (toggle === undefined) toggle = link.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.querySelector('td > a[href="#"][onclick]'); if (toggle === null || toggle.dataset.expanded) return false; toggle.dataset.expanded = true;; return true; } function loadCollage(evt) { evt.currentTarget.disabled = true; navLinks.forEach(a => { a.remove() }); navLinks = [ ]; let span = document.createElement('span'); span.textContent = '[\xA0loading...\xA0]'; = 'color: red; background-color: white; margin-left: 10px;'; link.parentNode.append(span); queryAjaxAPI('collage', { id: collageId, showonlygroups: 1 }).then(function(collage) { span.remove(); cacheCollage(collage); addCollageLinks(collage); evt.currentTarget.disabled = false; }, function(reason) { span.remove(); evt.currentTarget.disabled = false; }); return false; } }); break; } case '/collages.php': case '/collage.php': { function addNotifier(caption, timeout = 20 * 1000) { if (!caption) return; const notifier = document.createElement('DIV'); = 'position: fixed; z-index: 999; top: 20pt; right: 20pt; padding: 10pt; border: 2pt solid gray; background-color: darkslategrey; color: gold; font: 600 10pt "Segoe UI", sans-serif; cursor: pointer;'; notifier.textContent = caption; notifier.onclick = function(evt) { const ststsBox = document.body.querySelector('div.sidebar > div.box_info'); if (ststsBox != null) ststsBox.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'start' }); }; document.body.append(notifier); if (timeout > 0) setTimeout(function(elem) { if (timeout >= 4000) { = 'opacity 2s'; = 0; } setTimeout(elem => { document.body.removeChild(elem) }, Math.min(timeout, 2000), elem); }, Math.max(timeout - 2000, 0), notifier); } function updateGalleryPager(li) { } if (urlParams.get('action') == 'manage') { const style = document.createElement('STYLE'); style.textContent = ` table#manage_collage_table > tbody > tr > td:nth-of-type(3) { max-width: 80px } table#manage_collage_table > tbody > tr > td:nth-of-type(5) { max-width: 150px } table#manage_collage_table > tbody > tr > td:nth-of-type(6) { max-width: 180px } `; document.head.append(style); } if (!((collageId = parseInt(urlParams.get('id'))) > 0)) break; // Collage id missing let collageSize = document.body.querySelector('div.box_info > ul.stats > li:first-of-type'); if (collageSize != null && (collageSize = /\b(\d+(?:[\,]\d+)*)\b/.exec(collageSize.textContent)) != null) collageSize = parseInt(collageSize[1].replace(/\D/g, '')); let category = document.querySelector('div.box_category > div.pad > a'), selectors, callback; category = category != null ? category.textContent : undefined; console.assert(category, 'category != undefined'); let watchDogs = GM_getValue('watched_collages'); if (!watchDogs || typeof watchDogs != 'object') watchDogs = { }; if (!(document.domain in watchDogs)) watchDogs[document.domain] = { }; const getCollageItemIds = () => queryAjaxAPI('collage', { id: collageId, showonlygroups: 1 }).then(collage => collage[collage.collageCategoryID == 7 ? 'artists' : 'torrentgroups'].map(item => parseInt(; const saveSnapshot = () => getCollageItemIds().then(function(ids) { watchDogs[document.domain][collageId] = ids; GM_setValue('watched_collages', watchDogs); return watchDogs[document.domain][collageId].length; }); if (collageId in watchDogs[document.domain]) { if (collageSize > 0 && collageSize != watchDogs[document.domain][collageId].length || !GM_getValue('savvy_change_detection', true)) getCollageItemIds().then(function(ids) { function addDelta(ids, caption) { const li = document.createElement('LI'), spans = ['SPAN', 'SPAN', 'SPAN'].map(Document.prototype.createElement.bind(document)); spans[0].style = 'color: red; font-weight: 900;'; spans[0].textContent = ids.length; spans[1].style = 'color: cadetblue; cursor: pointer;'; spans[1].textContent = 'view'; spans[1].onclick = function(evt) { for (let id of ids) openTabLimited(category == 'Artists' ? 'artist' : 'torrents', { id: id }, 'content'); }; spans[2].style = 'color: cadetblue; cursor: pointer;'; spans[2].textContent = 'copy'; spans[2].onclick = evt => { GM_setClipboard( { if (evt.ctrlKey) { const url = new URL(`${category == 'Artists' ? 'artist' : 'torrents'}.php`, document.location.origin); url.searchParams.set('id', id); return url.href; } return id.toString(); }).join('\n') + '\n', 'text') }; li.append(spans[0], ` ${category == 'Artists' ? 'artist' : 'group'}(s) ${caption} (`); li.append(spans[1], ' | ', spans[2], ')'); count.append(li); } const count = document.body.querySelector('div.box_info > ul.stats > li:first-of-type'); const addedIds = ids.filter(id => !watchDogs[document.domain][collageId].includes(id)); if (addedIds.length > 0) addDelta(addedIds, 'added'); const removedIds = watchDogs[document.domain][collageId].filter(id => !ids.includes(id)); if (removedIds.length > 0) addDelta(removedIds, 'removed'); if (addedIds.length <= 0 && removedIds.length <= 0) return; saveSnapshot(); addNotifier('This collage has changed since last visit'); }); } const linkBox = document.body.querySelector('div#content div.header > div.linkbox'); if (linkBox != null) { const a = document.createElement('A'); a.className = 'brackets'; a.href = '#'; a.textContent = (a.watched = collageId in watchDogs[document.domain]) ? 'Unwatch' : 'Watch'; a.title = 'Watched collages will highlight additions/removals since previous view on each load time'; a.onclick = function toggleWatchState(evt) { if (!evt.currentTarget.disabled) evt.currentTarget.disabled = true; else return false; const currentTarget = evt.currentTarget; if (currentTarget.watched) { if (collageId in watchDogs[document.domain]) { delete watchDogs[document.domain][collageId]; GM_setValue('watched_collages', watchDogs); } currentTarget.watched = false; currentTarget.textContent = 'Watch'; currentTarget.disabled = false; } else saveSnapshot().then(function(collageSize) { currentTarget.watched = true; currentTarget.textContent = 'Unwatch'; currentTarget.disabled = false; }); return false; }; linkBox.append(' ', a); } if (category != 'Artists') { selectors = [ ' > td[colspan] > strong > a[href^="torrents.php?id="]', 'ul.collage_images > li > a[href^="torrents.php?id="]', ]; callback = function(evt) { switch (evt.currentTarget.nodeName) { case 'A': if (evt.button != 0 || !evt.altKey) return true; var link = evt.currentTarget; break; case 'MENUITEM': link = menu || evt.relatedTarget || document.activeElement; break; } if (!(link instanceof HTMLAnchorElement)) return true; let groupId = parseInt(new URLSearchParams('id')); if (!groupId) { console.warn('Assertion failed: no id', link); throw 'no id'; } removeFromTorrentCollage(collageId, groupId, 'Are you sure to remove selected group from this collage?').then(function(status) { document.querySelectorAll(selectors.join(', ')).forEach(function(a) { if (parseInt(new URLSearchParams('id')) == groupId) switch (a.parentNode.nodeName) { case 'STRONG': a.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.remove(); break; case 'LI': a.parentNode.remove(); break; } }); }); }; } else { selectors = [ 'table#discog_table > tbody > tr > td > a[href^="artist.php?id="]', 'ul.collage_images > li > a[href^="artist.php?id="]', ]; callback = function(evt) { switch (evt.currentTarget.nodeName) { case 'A': if (evt.button != 0 || !evt.altKey) return true; var link = evt.currentTarget; break; case 'MENUITEM': link = menu || evt.relatedTarget || document.activeElement; break; } if (!(link instanceof HTMLAnchorElement)) return true; let artistId = parseInt(new URLSearchParams('id')); if (!artistId) { console.warn('Assertion failed: no id', evt.currentTarget); throw 'no id'; } removeFromArtistCollage(collageId, artistId, 'Are you sure to remove selected artist from this collage?').then(function(status) { document.querySelectorAll(selectors.join(', ')).forEach(function(a) { if (parseInt(new URLSearchParams('id')) == artistId) switch (a.parentNode.nodeName) { case 'TD': a.parentNode.parentNode.remove(); break; case 'LI': a.parentNode.remove(); break; } }); }); }; let artistLink = document.querySelector('form.add_form[name="artist"] input#artist'); if (artistLink != null) { let ref = document.querySelector('form.add_form[name="artist"] > div.submit_div'); let searchBtn = document.createElement('input'); searchBtn.value = 'Look up'; searchBtn.type = 'button'; searchBtn.onclick = function(evt) { let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;'HEAD', '/artist.php?artistname=' + encodeURIComponent(artistLink.value.trim()), true); xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhr.readyState < XMLHttpRequest.HEADERS_RECEIVED) return; artistLink.value = xhr.responseURL.includes('/artist.php?id=') ? xhr.responseURL : ''; }; xhr.send(); }; ref.append(searchBtn); } } menu.children[0].onclick = callback; document.body.append(menu); function handlerInstaller(a) { a.onclick = callback; a.oncontextmenu = contextUpdater; a.setAttribute('contextmenu', contextId); } document.querySelectorAll(selectors.join(', ')).forEach(handlerInstaller); let coverart = document.getElementById('coverart'); if (coverart != null) new MutationObserver(function(ml, mo) { for (let mutation of ml) for (let node of mutation.addedNodes) { if (node.nodeName != 'UL' || !node.classList.contains('collage_images')) return; node.querySelectorAll(':scope > li > a').forEach(handlerInstaller); const linkBox = document.body.querySelectorAll('div.main_column > div.linkbox.pager'); if (linkBox != null && GM_getValue('rearrange_page_control', false)) updateGalleryPager(linkBox); } }).observe(coverart, { childList: true }); if (!GM_getValue('rearrange_page_control', false)) break; for (let linkBox of document.body.querySelectorAll('div.main_column > div.linkbox')) { const page = parseInt(urlParams.get('page')) || 1, numPages = Math.ceil(collageSize / 50); if (numPages > 1) if (linkBox.classList.contains('pager')) updateGalleryPager(linkBox); else { const strong = linkBox.querySelector(':scope > strong'); console.assert(strong != null); if (strong == null) continue; let pager = linkBox.querySelector('a.pager_prev'); if (pager != null) { const divisor = pager.nextSibling; divisor.remove(); strong.before(pager, divisor.wholeText); if ((pager = linkBox.querySelector('a:first-of-type')) != null && pager.textContent.includes('<< First')) pager.after(divisor.wholeText); } if ((pager = linkBox.querySelector('a.pager_next')) != null) { const divisor = pager.previousSibling; divisor.remove(); strong.after(divisor.wholeText, pager); if ((pager = linkBox.querySelector('a:last-of-type')) != null && pager.textContent.includes('Last >>')) pager.before(divisor.wholeText); } const a =':scope > a:not([class])'), a => /\b(\d+(?:[\,]\d+)*)\s*-\s*(\d+(?:[\,]\d+)*)\b/.test(a.textContent)); let pageLinks; if ((pageLinks = a.filter(a => parseInt(new URLSearchParams('page')) < page)).length > 0) { const step = (page - 2) / (pageLinks.length + 1); pageLinks.forEach(function(pageLink, index) { const a = new URL(pageLink), p = 1 + Math.round((index + 1) * step); a.searchParams.set('page', p); pageLink.setAttribute('href', a.pathname +; pageLink.firstElementChild.textContent = `${p * 50 - 49}-${p * 50}`; }); } if ((pageLinks = a.filter(a => parseInt(new URLSearchParams('page')) > page)).length > 0) { const step = (numPages - 1 - page) / (pageLinks.length + 1); pageLinks.forEach(function(pageLink, index) { const a = new URL(pageLink), p = page + 1 + Math.round((index + 1) * step); a.searchParams.set('page', p); pageLink.setAttribute('href', a.pathname +; pageLink.firstElementChild.textContent = `${p * 50 - 49}-${p * 50}`; }); } } } break; } }